Dec 21


As you are aware, right now pharmacies, pharmacists-in-charge, NP’s, PA’s and doctors are being hammered in an effort to fight an “opioid epidemic”.

You may wonder why it seems that all the enforcement efforts are focused on small community pharmacies and individual physicians. How much of an effect can such small businesses have? What about wholesalers?

Click this link for an excellent investigative report by The Washington Post on the truth of the matter. DEA Slowed Enforcement While The Opioid Epidemic Grew Out of Control. Read the highly informative article and make up your own mind what is going on. Yes, this article names names.

Voters want to “drain the swamp”. After you read this article I’m sure you will agree that the swamp in Washington and at state government level is vaster and deeper than you may have imagined.

The DEA is a police force and are good at investigating but don’t know how to treat disease states. Drug abuse should be addressed by a multidisciplinary panel of experts from the fields of medicine, pharmacy, substance abuse, sociology, economics, psychology, and public health. Politicians have no knowledge and it shows.

In another blog I will address evidence based treatment.