Oct 17

Michigan SB 0704

SB 704 took effect on September 30, 2014. This new pharmacy law will have a big impact on your practice, particularly if you do compounding. If you are a pharmacist-in-charge (PIC) you will be impacted in a major way because you will be taking on more responsibility to ensure your pharmacy is operating within the Pharmacy Practice Act and Rules. There is an additional requirement that the PIC work an “average of eight hours a week” at each pharmacy the person is registered as a PIC. The word average is interesting. Is the eight hour a week average to be calculated on a yearly basis, or monthly?

Even more controversially, the new act prescribes criminal punishment for violation of the new compounding rules and depending on whether there is a personal injury to a patient, the prison time varies from two to 15 years as well as fines.

As you might imagine this law was engendered by the NECC contaminated sterile injection fiasco. Yes, I intended the non sequitur with the sterile and contaminated.

Call me for a consultation regarding compliance with the new law and your personal circumstances.